Since it was about 85 degrees outside we decided we couldn't waste it. We got the girls ready and were headed out to Columbia Park, to play at the Playground of and in the water. When we got there we found that the rest of the Tri-Cities had the same idea. So we went with plan B, we got some water toys at Target. Alex picked out a slip n' slide, but it has three lanes and little boogey boards to race with. And I got a little caterpillar to hook up to the hose, it was fun to. We called Addisyn's little friend Talen and he came over. They had a blast.Harper just hanging out with Chalene while I ran around taking pictures of all the fun.
Addisyn scoping out the slip n' slide, while daddy set it up.Showing off their boards. Soaked to the bone.
Harper again, she had to put on her suit.
After we finished playing with the toys, we used my parents yard since they were in Yakima, we headed to BBQ at Aaron, Chalene and Talen's casa. We had burgers and while we were waiting we put the kids on the tramp and turned on the sprinkler underneath them. It was so funny to watch, the kids could hardly jump it was so slippery.Talen and Addisyn bouncing around, while the parents sat back and laughed.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Our Memorial Day Fun!
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Outside Art
So on Wednesday, while Harper was taking her afternoon nap Addisyn and I decided we wanted to go outside. We needed to spend a little time together just the two of us, since we don't get as much time alone anymore. I had went to Target and picked up some side walk chalk. We played outside together for a couple hours. It was such a blast, and I noticed that it helped Addisyn and me. We were able to have patience with each other the rest of the day. I took a ton of pictures but these are my favorite. She loves to draw, and drawing on the sidewalk was such an adventure for her.
Addisyn's favorite shoes! I looked everywhere to find them, but they were always sold out in her size.
Just a little note that we left for Daddy to see as he headed for his car to go to work that night, it really brightened his day, he told us the next morning.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Time to Update...
Alright, so it has been a while since I have updated,but I do have a good explination. I started back to school this quarter at CBC. I am continuing my education, though it has turned itno more of a ten year plan. When I finish I hope to be a Ultrasound Tech, in the Radiology Program. Wish me Luck! Well, enough about me, most are just interested in the girls. WEll, a lot has been happening in the Linn household, they are getting bigger. Harper is now 7 months old and has began eating solids, she started Sweet Potatoes yesterday, she is definatley a lot harder to feed then Addisyn was. She gags on everything. I am having a blast though. Addisyn is still everybit 2. She loves to count to 10 and is learning her ABC's. She can do A-G then she needs a little help. She loves to sing Happy Birthday, and Primary Songs. Addisyn is a shinning star in Nursery, she loves the attention and she difinatley gets it during singing time.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 7:25 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hop n' Down the Bunny Trail
Happy Easter All... Yesterday was a busy day for our family. Addisyn got a visit from the Easter Bunny, she was so excited, Harper is still to small to understand obviously. Alex got home from work at 8:30 that morning, and quietly got the eggs that I stuffed the night before and hid them outside, Addisyn had already woken up and came into my room and was just laying with me in bed, when he got inside I dressed her and we took her into the living room to see the surprise awaiting her. Then we went to look for the eggs that the bunny hid, she had so much fun. After that we got ready and went to church.
That night, we had the annual Spanner family Easter dinner and hunt. It was so much fun, I was able to get eggs a lot easier this year without my brother Shane tackling me, at least until Alex got aggressive. He thought he was tough, but I am an Anderson, I took him down. Then he thought he could beat me to an egg, he dove through the hedge but in the moment his eggs flew out of the basket and into the road, it was the talked about move of the night. Addisyn was keeping Papa Jack busy running for eggs. It was quite windy and chilly so Harper and Aunt Cody snuggled together inside.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 7:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Linn Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Breakfast Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt
So my mom signed Addisyn up for this Easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast down at the Communty Center. I wasn't sure what to expect but it sounded like it could be fun. That morning Alex woke up sick, so I had to get ready and get the girls down there myself, to meet Nana and Papa. So we sat and had breakfast, and watched all the other kids to see what was happening, they had several tables all set up to do crafts and games. Addisyn and Papa started making their rounds as I sat with Harper and my mom ate. She went immediately to the Playdoh table, then we took her to guess how many jellybeans were in a jar, while Nana constructed bunny ears at another table. By that time Mr. and Mrs. Bunny came riding up in the park on motorcycles. Addisyn was so excited she kept saying,"Rabbit," but when it was her turn to say hi, she wanted to keep her distance. The Easter Egg Hunt was about to start so we all went outside and figured out where Addisyn needed to be, then the kids were off. She gathered eggs and Nana counted out fifteen, we had to take her out, otherwise she would have collected them all. We all had fun watching Addisyn, Harper will be doing it with her next year I can't wait!Addisyn was being instructed how to use Playdoh, it was her first time!
Addisyn and Nana at one of the stations, with her bunny ears that Nana made for her.
The easter Egg hunt, she was being such a nut for pictures that day...Addisyn during the Easter egg and hunt and afterwords showing us all her loot.
This was the closest that she got to the Bunny all morning, and it was only because she was standing there smiling for a picture and we got the bunny to scoot in behind her, it made her a little uncomfortable.
Harper is such a little trooper, she was happy as a clam in her car seat the whole time. She got plenty of my attention talking to me and Papa.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
February got away from me...
So, I need to do little catch up, the weeks have just gotten away from me, a lot has happened. Addisyn turned 2! We had so much fun! Her party wasn't until the next Sunday, because we were waiting for Nana and Papa to return from Utah, so Alex, Uncle Jojo, Harper, and I decided we need to have a special day, so we took Addisyn to Chuck-e- Cheese. She had so much fun, she was the perfect age. I tried to make a slide show of everything that she did but my pictures were to big, so I have only a few.
So, like I said her birthday was that Sunday, Nana and I worked Saturday night to bake the cupcakes, and on Sunday about an hour and a half before the festivities my cousin Meghan came over and we all worked like crazy putting them together. They turned out really cute, Addisyn loved them!
Addisyn got tonz of goodies for her birthday, she started to get a little bored opening the presents by the end, but she perked up when Grandma Great and Papa Jack brought in a bike. She loved playing with all the little buttons, so did her little buddy Talan.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 9:19 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Flying Daddy's Airplane
So Alex loves to play with toys... he really likes radio controlled planes, helicopters, and boats. So for Christmas I got him a plane. This weeks it was finally nice enough outside to give it a test run, so we decided to take it down to the park. He tried about three times before figuring it all out. But when he finally got it in the air for more than a minute he learned something, the remote shuts off automatically after two minutes so you don't waste the battery. The only problem was he learned it the hard way. The plane hit a huge tree, and we had to wait and watch as ti tumbled down branch after branch hoping it would make it all the way down. Luckily it did. The plane didn't look so good when it landed though. It was a munched up and it had a lame wing. That night he worked to mend it. We decided the next day we would take it out but we need a spot where there are no trees. We decided Hanford High. Perfect! He was able to fly that plane everywhere. Addisyn loved it, she would run after the plane as it flew, screaming and laughing. I had fun watching and laughing at Alex, as some of his take offs were not so successful. Now that he has the hang of it, he needs to get dad to take out his big plane so they can fly them together. We also went out Wednesday, we called Dan to join us. It was getting dark so it was a short night but it was still fun.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 2:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Visiting grandma Great...
Yesterday afternoon, Addisyn, Harper and I went to visit grandma Great and Papa Jack. When we got there Grandma was making cookies. Yummy... She asked Addisyn to help. She waisted no time climbing up onto the counter. Grandma showed her how to roll the balls of cookie dough around in the powder suger and then put them onto the cookie sheet mat. She had a blast. It as fun letting them spend some time together.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 1:12 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Snow Day
We woke up to the most beautiful sight Sunday Morning, everything had been painted white. I have never seen Addisyn so excited to go outside, and she is always excited to go outside. Alex, Nana, and I were scrambling to get all our cold weather gear together, and we noticed it was quite. So, we went to find Addisyn, she had walked out on to the deck in her socks and pajamas and was sweeping the deck off, and we already had about 3 good inches or more on the ground. She was cold but, she was having fun. We d
ecided to quicken the pace. Finally we all made it out, Alex, Me, Nana, and Papa. We even called Alex's brother Dan to join the
fun! We ran up and down the street with Addisyn in a sled, she thought it was so fun. But after a while Alex and Dan dec
ided they wanted to go Hookie-Bobbing. They took turns driving each other around the block, it was so funny to watch. I decided I would take a turn, they video taped it all, Alex said he wouldn't go in until Nana took a turn. The mo
ment I mentioned it to her she grabbed the ski goggles from Alex, she was game. The took her around the block and when they
got back, Addisyn noticed who was behind the car and shouted, "Nana, yeah!" It was so cute! Also, Nana made a snow angle she was way proud of, she made sure that anyone outside had to see it. We had quite the day. It snowed until there was 7 inches or more on the ground.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 3:59 PM 2 comments