Monday, January 7, 2008

5:00am comes early...

So, this morning we made another Emergency Room visit with Harper. Yesterday the girls both came down with a cough, and stuffy nose. I didn't get much sleep, between Addisyn sleeping in our bed with a fever of 102, and Harper sleeping next to me coughing all night. At 5:00 though, I decided enough was enough. Harper began choking and basically vomiting up mucus. I couldn't wait till 8:00 to get an appointment with the doctor, and take the chance of not getting in till later. Nana came over to stay with Addisyn and off we went. We got in immediately. They did a single test, and we were informed she has RSV. They also said that Addisyn most likely has it to. The only difference between the two girls is to Addisyn it is like a cold, and to Harper, because she is younger then 6 months it can be very serious. They had a rundown of things we needed to watch and told us if we were to see any of those symptoms we should return to the ER. I have spent the day giving all my attention to the girls, they both seem to ONLY want their mommy, dosing the girls with Tylenol and Dimatab, and suctioning out Harper's nose and mouth. She has been quite the champ, hey both have. Addisyn's fever finally broke at about 7:00pm. She seemed a little happier, she finally would eat something. To sum up me day, I am EXHAUSTED! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. On a high note, my cousin Meghan, McGoo, and her soon to be hubby, Sean, came over and gave the girls some fun Christmas presents, and gave me a beautiful scarf! They were able to stay a couple hours, and we got to break out a little Wii bowling.


Anonymous said...

Oh Ariel...I'm so sorry to hear about the girls, especially Harper. Oh, that is so hard when babies are sick. Lilly had a horrible cold for like the first 4 months of her life. NOT FUN TIMES! But nothing like RSV--Yikes! Are they feeling or doing any better now?