Yesterday afternoon, Addisyn, Harper and I went to visit grandma Great and Papa Jack. When we got there Grandma was making cookies. Yummy... She asked Addisyn to help. She waisted no time climbing up onto the counter. Grandma showed her how to roll the balls of cookie dough around in the powder suger and then put them onto the cookie sheet mat. She had a blast. It as fun letting them spend some time together.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Visiting grandma Great...
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 1:12 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Snow Day
We woke up to the most beautiful sight Sunday Morning, everything had been painted white. I have never seen Addisyn so excited to go outside, and she is always excited to go outside. Alex, Nana, and I were scrambling to get all our cold weather gear together, and we noticed it was quite. So, we went to find Addisyn, she had walked out on to the deck in her socks and pajamas and was sweeping the deck off, and we already had about 3 good inches or more on the ground. She was cold but, she was having fun. We d
ecided to quicken the pace. Finally we all made it out, Alex, Me, Nana, and Papa. We even called Alex's brother Dan to join the
fun! We ran up and down the street with Addisyn in a sled, she thought it was so fun. But after a while Alex and Dan dec
ided they wanted to go Hookie-Bobbing. They took turns driving each other around the block, it was so funny to watch. I decided I would take a turn, they video taped it all, Alex said he wouldn't go in until Nana took a turn. The mo
ment I mentioned it to her she grabbed the ski goggles from Alex, she was game. The took her around the block and when they
got back, Addisyn noticed who was behind the car and shouted, "Nana, yeah!" It was so cute! Also, Nana made a snow angle she was way proud of, she made sure that anyone outside had to see it. We had quite the day. It snowed until there was 7 inches or more on the ground.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 3:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Caught in the Act
Alex got home from school today, and he caught me. I was sleeping on the job, lucky for me the girls were asleep to. I told Alex it was our bonding time, he didn't buy it.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Picture Day!
The girls are almost back 100%, they both are still coughing a little. It only took two weeks... Anyway yesterday Alex and I thought we should get a couple pictures of the girls together, since Harper turned 3 months old on the 14th. Addisyn was having so much fun because we were letting her hold her little sister. Of course they aren't perfessional, and they aren't supposed to look that way.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 4:51 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Christmas Marathon...
We spent Christmas Eve at Grammy and Papau's house, Alex's mom and step dad. Addisyn was s
o excited, she was able to see all of her cousins and aunts and uncles. She even got to meet a new cousin. Jeff and Michelle just adopted a beautiful little girl, Kailey, she is four and full of spunk. Alex's mom made a sandwich buffet for dinner, yum. But the highlight of the night for Addisyn and all the kids was the presents, of course. Th
e girls both got matching PJ's, they got hats and gloves, Addisyn got the FISHING game, and stockings full of goodies. Alex and
I got the neatest dinner and a movie gift. I already made the dinner, but we will use the movie for a date night. Then, we had a Ornament Exchange, I had been planning on this, and got my Ornaments early, I went to the Mally's Open House after thanks giving, I wanted on
e of my ornaments so bad, that I stole it from Uncle
Dan. We also got to play many rounds of a Chinese Gift Exchange. It was a blast, we brought home tons of good stuff.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Christmas Morning
We have a tradition of staying the night at Nana and Papa's house, Ariel's mom and dad, so we can wake up Christmas morning and open gifts with my brother Shane and sister-in-law Erica, and Lily, my niece, and my brother Justin. It is lots of fun. So, the normal routine for Christmas morning is we wait for Santa to come and give him about two Seconds to leave, before we all go hunt for the pickle, a special ornament. If you find the pickle you get an extra gift. Anyway, then we open presents at about 4:00am. This year Shane and Erica stayed the night at Erica's parents, so the pickle got prolonged,
Alex and I were told we would get directions in the morning when everyone was there, but, they put a note on the tree. Nobody said anything until Alex and I were on the way out the door with the girls. Long story short, we missed out on the race this year. Boo-Hoo! But, we were able to at least spend Christmas morning together. It was a blast this year, Addisyn understood what was going on. She knew to open the gifts, she even felt obligated to help mommy open Harper's gifts. The girls got some fun things, but, Addisyn got a big drawing desk from Nana and Papa. She loves to draw. And Gra
ndma Nadine and Papa Jack got Addisyn and Lily the new Tickle-Me-Elmo. Addisyn loves it, but Lily may still need to warm up to it. Another thing, last year Alex made a tower of presents for me out of these fun nesting boxes, so, this year I decided to return the favor. I started getting gift back in October to fill this thing up. My mom helped me set it up in the morning, she told me this better be the last year she sees that thing. Good Times!
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Christmas Day
We made our way to Grandpa and Grandma's house, Alex's dad and step-mom. We got there around 10:00 am, because the Anderson thing started late. When we got there Grandma had a big surprise waiting for Addisyn downstairs. She had gotten her a tree house with a slide and para scope. It was so cool, all of older kids wanted to play on it. We all sat and watched her play for a few minutes, it was so fun when she discovered how the parascope worked. Grandma also got Harper a beautiful 1st Christmas ornament, I can't wait to put it on the tree next year. Uncle Dan and Uncle Shan were also there. Grandpa Pat was missed Christmas Day though, he recently passed away, but he was in our thoughts.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
5:00am comes early...
So, this morning we made another Emergency Room visit with Harper. Yesterday the girls both came down with a cough, and stuffy nose. I didn't get much sleep, between Addisyn sleeping in our bed with a fever of 102, and Harper sleeping next to me coughing all night. At 5:00 though, I decided enough was enough. Harper began choking and basically vomiting up mucus. I couldn't wait till 8:00 to get an appointment with the doctor, and take the chance of not getting in till later. Nana came over to stay with Addisyn and off we went. We got in immediately. They did a single test, and we were informed she has RSV. They also said that Addisyn most likely has it to. The only difference between the two girls is to Addisyn it is like a cold, and to Harper, because she is younger then 6 months it can be very serious. They had a rundown of things we needed to watch and told us if we were to see any of those symptoms we should return to the ER. I have spent the day giving all my attention to the girls, they both seem to ONLY want their mommy, dosing the girls with Tylenol and Dimatab, and suctioning out Harper's nose and mouth. She has been quite the champ, hey both have. Addisyn's fever finally broke at about 7:00pm. She seemed a little happier, she finally would eat something. To sum up me day, I am EXHAUSTED! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. On a high note, my cousin Meghan, McGoo, and her soon to be hubby, Sean, came over and gave the girls some fun Christmas presents, and gave me a beautiful scarf! They were able to stay a couple hours, and we got to break out a little Wii bowling.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 11:35 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Fishin' Around
We finally found it...the one thing that keeps Addisyn still for more than five minutes. And for once I am not talking about fish crackers. Her Grammy bought her a fishing game for Christmas and she loves it. The best part is I love to sit and watch her play, she absolutely lights up everytime she catches a fish, then she claps and shouts,"yay". She is such a character! We spent the day over at Grammy's house, Alex's mom, and her cousin Natalie was in town, all Addisyn wanted to do was play that game with Natalie. She was such a good sport, they had to of played it for two solid hours.
Addisyn absolutely adores her big cousin Natalie. The only sad part about that is she lives in Paulsbo, WA, and we hardly get to see her. She was able to come down after Christmas with her mom Lacy. While they were her Addisyn was able to spend some time with her. It was so sweet when Natalie took Addisyn and read books took her. Addisyn Loves books, she would choose a book over a toy any day of the week.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Welcome 2008
Yesterday was a sad day! I took down the Christmas tree and decorations. I got so used to them being there that my house looks almost bare now. Clean but bare. So, last night for New Years we had some of our friends over. I made dinner and then we played our Wii from 7pm to about 3am. Addisyn and Talan played together on Addisyns new slide. While Harper quietly slept like usual. I had so much fun playing Tiger Woods PGA Golf, I lost though, the game was rigged. At the end of the night we decided to play The Price is Right DVD game. It was a riot, I would recommend it to anyone.
Posted by ATeamplus1 at 12:13 AM 1 comments