Friday, November 30, 2007

Emergency Room Trip

Ou family had quite the scare the other night.  Harper was just napping in her swing and I noticed that she had stopped breathing.  She had turned a dark shade of purple, and was as stiff as a board.  I was doing everything I could to get her to breath, as Alex called 911.  A minute and a half later she began to cry.  We got to spend a few hours in the emergency room that night.  I am so grateful for all the people that called and came don to the emergency that night.  I was such a mess, I don't know if she would be here if I hadn't looked over at her.  I am also grateful for Jeff Kinney, Alan Davis, and brother Webber who rushed to give Harper a blessing, it helped to put my worries to rest.  The doctors informed Alex and I that what happened to Harper is very common in babies under seven months old.  Harper had a case of Acid Reflux.  As adults or children when this happens, we cough, but in young babies their response it to tighten up and close their airway, so they dont get mucis in their lungs.  They said she should have started breathing on her own between 30 and 90 seconds, but I am sure that she was not going to take a breath without my help.  I wish I had known that this was something that happened to babies, it would have helped me stay a little more calm, but not completely.  But I am blessed to still have her today and treasure every smile.  Harper still has more to do on earth.