Friday, October 15, 2010

School Update...

While I am actually taking the time out of my schedule to post a couple updates I figured I would let you know what is happening on the home front school wise. LOTS!!! I am now in my 2nd quarter of the Radiologic Technology program at CBC, that is for x-rays not to be confused with working at the Hanford area. I am currently taking classes two days a week and going to Prosser Memorial Hospital two days a week for clinicals. I absolutely love it, I have definitely found what I am supposed to be doing!!! The best part about my job is I get to meet incredible people who are having a bad day, talk to them, try and figure out what is going wrong and help to begin the process of getting them better, and if the are grumpy for any reason I do my job and pass them back to the! Alex, well he is in his 1st quarter of the nursing program at CBC, he is loving it! He hasn't started any clinicals yet but I know when he does he will be a force to be reckoned with, he has awesome bedside manner and always does that little extra to make a patients stay a little better. While it is only the begging of our 2 year marathon we have already noticed things getting crazy when it comes to scheduling but we have been able to do something fun with the girls at least once a week to let them know we still love them and want to spend valuable time with them, we also make it a point to pick them up from preschool/daycare together everyday...they light up everyday when they see mommy and daddy walk up to get them. I will be sure to keep you posted how school is going...

Family Pictures this Summer